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October 15th- Don Pedi in Wichita

GPDA is pleased to welcome Don Pedi to Wichita for a day of workshops and a concert on Saturday, October 15th. Don is a mountain dulcimer instructor and performer from Western North Carolina. He specializes in playing traditional fiddle tunes and songs he has collected from the mountains.

Workshops will be held at Northfield School — 1813 W. University Ave, Wichita.

This is the workshop schedule:

10:30-11:45am — Development of the mountain dulcimer from the Appalachian mountains to the folk revival and beyond

12:00-1:30pm — LUNCH BREAK

1:30-2:45pm — Traditional playing techniques and tunes

3:00-4:15pm — Old-Time Sacred Songs

Cost to attend is $20/workshop or all three for $50. You are encouraged to take all three workshops, as they will build on one another.

NOTE for young people: Northfield School and GPDA have cardboard dulcimers available for use at the workshops -- let Erin know if you would like to borrow one. 1/2 price scholarships are available for any students under 18 years old on a first-come-first-serve basis.

The concert will be at New Hope Christian Church — 1400 George Washington Dr, Wichita. It will begin at 7:00pm. A suggested donation of $10/person or $20/family is requested. Please invite all your friends who enjoy traditional music to come to the concert!

To RSVP for the workshops or if you have questions about the event, please contact Erin Mae at 785-614-4061.

For more information about Don Pedi, visit

Hope to see you there!

—Erin Mae


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