As you’ve noticed in our gpda.io group’s announcement and elsewhere in this newsletter, we are meeting in April as a Zoom meeting.It looks like it will be quite interesting. We do have a little bit of club business to conduct. I am aware that some have figured out how to jam. I am sure that it will make for an interesting meeting. Be watching for sign in information as it gets published.
We are experiencing odd times. The likes of which none of us have ever seen. And, it is a little bit frightening to say the least; but we are in any situation challenged to step forward and make the most of it!
So, we’re going to meet electronically on April 11, and we will see how it goes. At any rate, it will be good to see one another and have a chance to chat.
Our Executive Committee met today Wednesday, April 1 and I must say that it was inspiring! We came to the realization that we do not need to cancel club meeting and we do not need to cancel our Spring Fundraiser!
A wonderful and exciting idea for conducting our spring fundraiser was put forth, the details of which we will share with you on Saturday, April 11.
Yes, it will be possible for us to have a meaningful fundraiser for our club in an online venue. That being the case you will definitely not want to miss meeting on April 11. There are detailed instructions that are forthcoming in a future gpda.io group’s announcement.
Be watching for that announcement as it comes out soon!
Needless to say, we are all hopeful that this crisis will be over soon. We are facing the reality that life may not return to the normal that we knew. But we can definitely hope for a new normal and we will thrive and not just survive.
I have given advice to my congregation by means of written newsletter and group email. One of my biggest points of advice is to encourage people to get out of their house and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. It goes without saying that full spectrum sunlight and fresh air does a body good! What frequently does not get stated however is that such fresh air and sunshine does wonders for one’s emotional perspective as well. Perhaps it is even better than anything else.
That being stated I would add one more thing. Play your music! Practice your music! Enjoy your music! Let your music fill your heart and soul! You will see that it works.
Keep on picking,
Gary bell