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In my music room I have my Fiddle, Mandolin, and Dulcimer. (A more accurate description of my music room would be my music closet…. Just giving you a mental picture.) When I’m working on a song, I like to practice it on all three instruments. When I’m working on chords, I practice them on my mandolin and my dulcimer, etc. Sometimes I am focused on one instrument over the others, depending on what’s coming up that I want to be involved in. How do you practice? Do you play other instruments along with your dulcimer?

I’m quite excited for a “free” Old Time Festival coming up in April, The Greenleaf Old Time Music Festival. This is held at Greenleaf State Park, Braggs Oklahoma. You are probably wondering why I’m sharing this with dulcimer players – because there WILL be Mountain and Hammer Dulcimers players there! I found out that Wendy Songe is planning to attend! What a great opportunity to blend our dulcimers with Old Time and Bluegrass players!! And, I’m sure there will be small groups of dulcimer players as well. I plan to take my fiddle, mandolin AND dulcimer!! If you would like more information, please to go for all the details!

On another note, I attended Erin’s last Saturday of the Month online class this morning. We talked about adding chords and fingerpicking – it was great! This is free to all of you. I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity!

It’s almost March – Spring is right around the corner!! I hear there is some fun planning in the works for our Dulcimer Club……. �� Keep Playing, Paula


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Monthly Meetings:

Second Saturday of each month


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