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Rainy Day Blues or Just Play some Blues?

It’s Saturday Jan. 30th with lots of rain! What, shouldn’t it be snowing? Oh well, I think some snow is coming next week. Living in Colorado for 15 years and in the mountains for most of that time I’m pretty used to snow, snow shoveling, and bringing in the wood to keep the house warm.

So do you have the rainy day blues? Can we turn it around and play some blues on a mountain dulcimer? Yes, we could. A great website is from Steven Smith at this LINK explaining how this can be done in DAD. Other great resources are Bing Futch and Butch Ross as they both love to play the blues. Bing has a book dedicated to playing the Blues.

Blues to me are not sad, but a very cool syncopated beat normally called a 12-bar blues pattern. For the dulcimer it would take a chord progression according to Steven. To understand his explanation will take a bit of concentration, but doable if one wants to take the time and loves the blues.

We keep being told to stay young learn new things. Not sure my brain can handle this one or not, but want to try it out. It’s just another journey. Let me know if you attempt some blues!

Now that I have both Moderna shots I do have a sense of hope that things will turn around for all of us this year and be able to gather once again. However, I have immensely enjoyed all of the Online training I have been able to attend. Hope and pray the instructors will continue some online classes in the future.

Quarantune is next week and I hope to see some of you there. I’m mainly taking some Ukulele classes though as I really like playing my Baritone Ukulele. Most of the music I play on my Uke is happy and uplifting music and puts a smile on my face.

Whether you learn to play the Blues or upbeat happy songs just keep playing. Keep on the Sunny Side is one of my most favorite tunes to play and lifts my spirit.

Keep the music in the air.

NancyJ VP



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