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Thoughts From Paula

Hello Friends! I’m sure you all know that I’m no longer the Vice President of GPDA. I want you to know why I resigned. I just felt that you and the club would be better served by someone who could be more active. I really had great hopes of attending all the meetings and special events, but sometimes life has other things in mind. I still plan to attend all that I can and to support the club as much as possible! One of the things I loved about being VP is the Newsletter. The board has graciously allowed me to continue contributing my thoughts! So, I’m titling this column, Thoughts from Paula. I thought about “Paula, Roving Reporter”; I liked that one, but I might not be roving, so it’s just “Thoughts from Paula”.

Have you ever attended the Send in the Music jam on Saturday’s? This is an online jam hosted by Pat Clark. I attended for the first time yesterday, the 26th. For those of you that aren’t familiar with this jam, it’s primarily a Mountain Dulcimer jam. There is a theme for each jam, this time it was “Thanksgiving”. They have volunteer presenters that lead a tune, so you get a variety of levels of playing. All the songs presented are given to you ahead of time through dropbox, so you have the tab’s if you want them. They also present the tabs on the screen for jamming. I will say that a few of the tabs were small and hard to see on the screen, at least for me, I downloaded the packet onto my tablet and used my tablet when I needed to. Another part of the jam is the “Mystery Guest”. The mystery guest when I attended was Joe Collins. I so enjoyed Joe’s playing. He presented a short concert which included his favorite Thanksgiving tunes and some very funny songs he wrote, one of them about Metamucil and keeping your bowels running smoothly. LOL!! All in all, I enjoyed spending two hours on a rainy Saturday playing along to some nice Thanksgiving tunes! Just for you, I’ve included a really nice tune from Joe’s free tab that I’ve enjoyed playing.

If you are interested in the Send in the Music jam, here is a link to their website. You can register for the next jam and check it out – it’s FREE!! Click here: Send in the Music, LLC

We have all kinds of opportunities for Christmas jams and opportunities to play for others. A local friend and I are working on Christmas tunes to play at a nursing home! I hope you will try to attend at least one of the opportunities to play and share music!

I also hope to see you at our club’s Christmas jam on the 10th!! I hope your Turkey Day was full of blessings and happiness! I’m thankful for each of you…….. Paula


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